About Us

About Our Company

We are a company dedicated to providing top customer satisfaction and top quality work when meeting your lawn and landscape needs. We are able to do so by utilizing highly-trained managers and professionally trained fieldwork personnel. Because of our desire to change the way the lawn and landscape industry does business, we strive to add value, professional appearance to your property, and landscape solutions that will last a lifetime.

Our Desire

To make customer service our top priority. We are always striving to be helpful, useful, respectful and honest.

Our Vision

To be a company you can T.R.U.S.T.

Our Mission

To change the way the lawn and landscape industry does business, by going above and beyond for each individual customer.


Timely, Reliable, Uniformed, Superior, Thorough.

Bonding & Insurance

ARK Design + Build is fully-bonded and insured. We carry two million dollars in general liability insurance and workers compensation. We adhere to federal, state and local licensing requirements.

Safety & Training

We provide both safety and “how-to” trainings throughout the calendar year to help reduce risk associated with our scope of work. Protective equipment and training is provided and strictly enforced. Through safety and training courses, we are able to provide the quality of service clients are looking for in a lawn and landscape company.

Customer Service Method

  • Customized smartphone application to fit client needs and desires
  • Property log binder to track complaints/non-complaints.
  • Property tracker board on display in shop and home office
  • “Immediate attention required” filling section located in shop, office & app
  • Rigorous weekly and biweekly property inspection by property managers.

We are passionate about making your experience with our company as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. We thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your property.


We have over 100 years of combined licensed experience and are embarking on 15 years of providing quality customer service. Managing, designing, and creating solutions for each property is our forté.

Our Story

ARKScapes was founded in 2007, when owner entrepreneur Matt Gates started out in the lawn care business. For roughly three years, Matt worked three jobs to make ends meet and to put his wife through nursing school. In addition to lawn care, Matt was a part-time student pastor and worked a weekend job with long hours, putting in around 80-90 combined hours a week. This only left a few hours for family and personal time. As he approached the fifth year of his lawn care business, Matt decided to answer his calling to become full time at ARKscapes. Now, going on five years full time with ARKScapes, our company is exceeding levels of service a for such a young company; and for that, we do give all of the credit to God. In 2020, ARKScapes was rebranded to ARK Design + Build to incorporate a number of different services including interior and exterior remodeling, landscape lighting, hardscape design and installation and much more.

Matt has always had a passion for the lawn care industry. At the early age of 10 years old, Matt would ride his bicycle around the neighborhood with his push mower attached to his seat, weed trimmer across the handle bars, and gas cans on each end of the handle bars. He would ride around asking homeowners would they like their lawn mowed. The going rate was $20.00 per lawn and some ice cold lemonade. Boy, those were the good old days. Now, as time has passed, Matt is married to Caitlin and the father to three beautiful children. With two boys and one girl, ARK Design + Build has potential new employees in the coming years. As Matt’s passion has driven him from not only lawn care but to the landscape field, the company has grown tremendously in the services provided, certifications, and licensing. Matt’s main passion in the industry is to offer quality service. He believes in giving you only the best quality and seeing that it remains that way. Lastly, ARK Design + Build stands behind our word and work. We are a company who does what we say we are going to do. When you think outdoors, think of us!

You deserve quality service!

We love what we do! It shows in our work.